distribuzione dei filtri per l'acqua-2018

distribution of water filters-2018

Part of our water purification filters were distributed to families in the village of Ban Phone. the other half will be delivered in February to another village. Also this year we completed our project in collaboration with the Canadian association "Adopt a Village in Laos".
Thanks to all of you who supported “Ink for Charity”. Your support has improved the lives of 42 families. Thanks also to those who bought our No War Factory jewels, thus helping to reduce war waste, which in addition to polluting causes deaths and mutilations. We also remind you that next year part of the proceeds from the sale of our jewels will also be donated to the MAG demining association operating in Lao territory. For those wishing to donate a filter, they can do so on this page: https://www.nowarfactory.com/sons-of-mine/. The cost of a filter is 100 euros each. Thank you so much!

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